Inside a cave, the monkey spirit of the deceased Shinohara Yosauda (篠原与三右) presents a food offering to the robber Shindo Kojiro Nobuyuki (神洞小二郎信行) and begs him to avenge his murder by the warrior Inaba Taro (稲葉太郎).
The work, taken from the famous series “Sagas of Beauty and Bravery” (美勇水滸伝) by the artist Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年), was produced in August 1867 by the publisher Omiya Kyujiro (近江屋久次郎), owner of Kiyudo (亀遊堂).
The print on Japanese washi paper (和紙), despite the right signs of aging, a partial trimming of the margins, as well as the presence of binding holes, is in overall good condition.