Beautiful large horizontal format woodblock print of the sosaku-hanga (創作版画) type, made in 1931 by the artist Enami Shiro (江南史朗) and depicting the “Yanagi no ido” (柳の井戸), that is the “Well of the Willow Tree” (a place so called because of the presence of a well a few meters from the tree on the left), on the banks of the Benkei moat (弁慶濠), near the imperial palace: a famous view of Tokyo also depicted by Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川広重).
Enami Shiro (1901-2000) was a member of “Han no Kai” (榛の会), a group of artists led by the painter Takeo Takei (武井武雄). Illustrator for various magazines, such as “Shiro to Kuro” (白と黒) and “Han Geijutsu” (版芸術), he participated in the first exhibition of the “Nihon Hanga Kyokai” (日本版画協会). His subjects include landscapes of Tokyo and toys.
The print on Japanese washi paper (和紙), despite some signs of aging and in particular small stains, is in good condition.