TOMOKO JOO (Toyohara Kunichika)

N.1 ukiyo-e woodblock print
Year: 1879
Condition: good
Size: 24 x 36 cm



Beautiful polychrome woodblock print by the artist Toyohara Kunichika (豊原国周), entitled “The midaidokoro of Ieharu” (家治公御台所) and depicting in the foreground Isonomiya Tomoko Joo (五十宮倫子女王), the official wife of the shogun Tokugawa Ieharu (徳川家治).

The work, made in 1879 by the publisher Takegawa Seikichi (武川清吉), is taken from the series “The Backyard of Pines and Malvaceae” (葵艸松の裏苑). Remarkable, in the upper right corner, the decoration of the title depicting the triple hollyhock (三葉葵), that is the emblem of the Tokugawa clan (徳川氏).

The print on Japanese washi paper (和紙), despite the proper signs of aging including a small tear in the upper left corner and some chromatic alterations visible in particular on the clip of the protagonist, is in good general condition, thanks also to a relining carried out on the back.