Interesting woodblock printed illustration made by the artist Mishima Shoso (三島蕉窓) and depicting the daily comings and goings on the Nihonbashi Bridge (日本橋). Among the people who flock to the bridge, many fish sellers stand out, given the proximity of the important fish market of the Edo period (江戸時代) which was the predecessor of the famous Tsukiji market (築地市場). In the upper left, the Edo Castle (江戸城) and Mount Fuji (富士山).
The work is taken from issue 23 (巻二十三) of Bijutsu Sekai (美術世界), that is “The World of Art”, the famous magazine edited by the nihonga (日本画) painter Watanabe Seitei (渡辺省亭) and produced by the publisher Wada Tokutaro (和田篤太郎) of Shunyodo (春陽堂).
The print, made in December 1892 in collaboration with the carver Goto Tokujiro (五島徳次郎) and the printer Yoshida Ichimatsu (吉田市松), despite the right signs of aging and a partial trimming of the margins, is in good condition.